
Fresh Herbed Ricotta Dip For Vegetables and Crackers



1 cup fresh ricotta cheese

2 tablespoons fresh basil, cut in chiffonade ribbons

2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley

2 tablespoons finely chopped chives

1 teaspoon dill or thyme (optional)

Zest of 1 lemon plus large splash of lemon juice

12 tablespoons fruity olive oil

3 drops Rain’s Choice pure Vanilla Extract

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


Whisk together ricotta and herbs. Blend balance of ingredients with olive oil and stir until well blended.

Arrange trimmed green and yellow beans, baby summer squash slices cut on the bias, baby carrots, English cucumbers cut in thin spears, red bell pepper spears, carrots and celery sticks, snap peas — whatever you wish — on a platter. Serve thin, crisp crackers on a separate plate.