
We will be closed Friday, 1/24 to Wednesday, 2/5.

Orders placed during this time will be shipped upon our return.

Sponsorship Special
Home page text and banner (graphic), text ad placement on all site pages, and six months free text and banner placement in the Marketplace. Placement is in top section of home page right hand column. $400.00 per month.

Gold Sponsors 
In addition to the Sponsorship Special, Gold Sponsors receive a dedicated page on our site that features your company story.* This gives your branding greater visibility, promotes farms you run or support, highlights your socially conscious project, and adds reputability to your company. Your dedicated page includes a click-thru to your site. You also receive placement in our twice monthly newsletters. $550.00 per month.

Platinum Sponsors
All the same bells and whistles as the Gold Sponsor as well as a personal slideshow on your dedicated page. $600 per month.

Website Review, a subsidiary of our web design firm, is offering our sponsors a free, quick site assessment that includes recommendations to help improve your website sales, curb appeal, lead generation, and visibility.

For complete information on all our sponsorship and advertising opportunities, please visit our Advertising page.